

Aisel Wicab

— MX

Aisel is an artist, educator and cultural manager who researches and works with different media such as writing, drawing, video, performance and light art. She co-founded the expanded film group Colectivo Luz y Fuerza (2011) and was part of the international experimental film collective Trinchera Ensemble (2005-2011). For seven years she worked at Fundación Alumnos47 (2011-2018) leading the educational research area, designing and developing numerous social projects through contemporary art. For the last 15 years, she has shown her work and conducted workshops in public spaces, schools, cultural centers and museums in Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Canada, Vienna, Slovakia, France and Spain.

Interactive presentation of Toolbox

Curators Daniela Ramos Arias and Aisel Wicab warmly welcome friends, colleagues and audiences to get a closer look on the project Toolbox. The first edition with the name A Toolbox on How to Create Communities in Times of Uncertainty, was first launc ...


Mediation Strategies Lab

The Toolbox curatorial team invites to a series of dynamics that reunite performance, artistic strategies and collaborative work and open up a space for reflection on artistic mediation and the way it can be applied to different projects and social s ...
