
The bubbles. For Momentum Tenthaus have gathered in smaller non-hierarchical groups of collective members that we call bubbles for many practical aspects that arise during the making of an exhibition, workshop or event. The bubbles are maleable spheres that shape shift to accommodate the need of the moment, in contact with each other and still within its individual context.

The Tenthaus collective aims to work in a discursive non-hierarchical framework of our own making. In our Tenthaus art practice and during the making of Together as to gather we understand the need to structure ourselves and assign key areas of work to maintain a clear overview of any given project and to avoid pulverising responsibility. We have gathered in smaller non-hierarchical groups of collective members that we call bubbles for many practical aspects that arise during the making of an exhibition, workshop or event.

We prefer the metaphor of bubble for group work more than the commonly used word “teams” that has associations with competition and rivalry. The bubbles are maleable spheres that shape shift to accommodate the need of the moment and as you can see in the diagram that they have zones of contact. The members of the bubble move between bubbles when a contact zone emerges joining the two groups around a common need to discuss. Some members of the collective are in more than one bubble which also strengthens communication between bubbles. The bubbles also come together for a huddle to share information and share decisions made and ask for input on topics that need a wider perspective.