

Belén Santillán

— EC / NO

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Born in Ecuador

Lives and works in Oslo

Belén Santillán takes her institutional roles as a researcher, educator and director as a starting point to think about institutional practices: how exhibitions are made, where is the place for education in museums, and how museums welcome the public and create the common. Santillán was director of Centro de Arte Contemporáneo and director of the Exhibition Area of Centro Cultural Metropolitano in Quito, Ecuador and has worked for the Mariano Aguilera National Arts Award. She currently works with Tenthaus to shape the mediation program for MOMENTUM 12.

50 Million Windows

50 Million Windows is a collaborative drawing project inspired by the trailblazing public grade school teacher, Albert Collum's prompt to his students from 1963: "Draw every window in New York City." In the project’s first installment, the summer you ...