

Bendik-Bendik Syversætre Johannessen

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Bendik-Bendik Syversætre Johannessen Born Oslo, 1996 Bendik-Bendik Syversætre Johannessen is a narrative and visual narrator. He works in itpreformative landscape, often expressed through video and photography. His practice explores different relationships between the body's unused functions and exposed action.This is conveyed through various grades that are taken from everyday and formalsituations. The works can be read in a context with trials and challenges withinnormative perceptions and gender identities, with a strong desire for the viewer tocarry the impressions with them in their own history. Bendik-Bendik lives and works in Oslo.

«Things Don’t Run We»

«Things don’t run we» is the result of a residency in Tenthaus’ mobile studio “P1”, that was placed at Kirkeparken senior high school from April to May 2023. It is a collaboration with students from the art program at the school and takes shape as a ...

Things don’t run we

«Things don’t run we» is the result of a residency in Tenthaus’ mobile studio “P1”, that was placed at Kirkeparken senior high school from April to May 2023. It is a collaboration with students from the art program at the school and takes shape as a ...