

Germain Ngoma

— ZW / NO

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Born in Zimbabwe (ZW)

Lives and works in Oslo

Germain Ngoma was a skilled foundryman and a self-taught artist before leaving Zambia, where he grew up, to study art and craft at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo. He has an experimental practice in different media and has been a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo for several years.

Ngoma's work is experimental and gives more attention to the fabrication process involved, such as how the metal is worked and the steps taken to change the original form and function of the objects. His sculptures show how each object can be transformed into something aesthetically beautiful. His work emphasises the relationship between objects and artworks, man and art. His choice of materials and process reflect observations from his childhood, where things had a limited lifespan; some could be reproduced and reused, while others became worthless.

As part of MOMENTUM 12, Ngoma presents a new processual work: recycled materials and found objects that will reshape and animate Alby gård, the oldest farm on Jeløya island in Moss.


As part of MOMENTUM 12, Ngoma presents a new processual work: recycled materials and found objects that will reshape and animate Alby gård, the oldest farm in Jeløya in Moss.Ngoma is diving into the materials found in the landscapes surrounding Alby ...