

Kabila Stepháne


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Stéphane Kabila is a Congolese curator and researcher working throughout the African continent. He is collaborating with Livingstone Office for Contemporary Art in Livingstone, Zambia, and Centre d’art Waza of Lubumbashi. He recently received an MA in Curatorial Studies from the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen.

Stéphane Kabila is a member of the Lubumbashi working group of Another Roadmap of Arts Education Africa Cluster, a network of researchers and practitioners investigating the history, policies and possible alternative practices in arts education. He is co-founder of NidjeKonnexion, a support platform for young artists in Lubumbashi. At the University of Lubumbashi, he is the coordinator of Cogito Litteris, an association and publication run by students of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities.

Curator presentation

Kabila will open a conversation about curatorial practice that centres the voice of the African continent. He will also describe his own developing practice. ...
