

Kari Kolltveit

— NO

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Artist from Norway (NO)

Lives and works in Oslo

Kari Kolltveit (f.1965) lives and works in Oslo. She has her BA in Print and Drawing, and a MA in Medium and Material based art (2022). Her work has been exhibited internationally, and is part of the collection of Jyväskylä Art Museum, in Finland. In her work Kolltveit investigates the alienation between humans, animals and nature. She is concerned with the vulnerability and survival strategies we reach for when we meet. Especially the animals living close to humans, those who are deemed to be hated and worthless, are brought into her art. Can we find meaning in the meaningless, and survive in a chaotic, irrational and threatening world? She often uses surreal or absurd constructions to balance her dark themes with humour and optimism. Kolltveit has an interdisciplinary approach, using a variety of media including printmaking, sculpture, drawing, installation and video.


Still-Life with Red Rabbit

Artist Kari Kolltveit will guide a drawing session of a still-life with a rabbit. The rabbit may or may not be connected to a high-profile assassination that took place on the 21st of August, 1940, in Mexico City. ...


The P.R.I.N.T. Chronicles

Site-specific graphic installation activated by the artists (objects, tools and books belonging to the artists; wooden printing press; relief printing tools, inks and diverse materials; artists’ publication)The P.R.I.N.T. Chronicles transforms the ex ...
