

Lise Bjørne Linnert assisted by Noe Rapela and Hege Døving + with the pupils in 4th and 6th grade, Møllergata school, Oslo

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Lise Linnert works in many media. Her relational and process-based projects have a political and social starting point. She often collaborates interdisciplinary. Humanism and human rights are the basic themes in her activist practice. She is passionate about art as a gateway to dialogue, attention, and change and invites the public to active partipation in workshops. The time span is essential, and projects can last for several years or have no end date.

In 2017, she initiated NI EN MORE, (NOT ONE MORE) in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. An international collaborative project that combines textile art, fashion, and activism. In a sewing and dyeing studio, women exposed to violence, receive training, work, and the opportunity for financial independence. In 2023, the project has grown into a non-profit organization that runs three sewing and dyeing workshops and employs 17 women.

Linnert’s work have been shown at institutions such as the Women Museum, and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Mexico City, Juarez Contemporary in Juárez, Mexico, the Rubin Center for Contemporary Art in El Paso, The Station Museum of Contemporary Art in Houston, USA, Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, England, Charlottenborg Kunsthal in Copenhagen, Denmark, VISUAL Center for Contemporary Art in Carlow, Ireland, Musée Bernadotte in Pau, France, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Hå gamle prestegard and Gallery F15 in Norway

Møllergata school is the oldest school built by Oslo municipality. School history defines it as "Norway's first modern folk school".

Oslo School Museum has managed building D since 2000. There is a lot of Norwegian school history in Møllergata which is important to preserve for future generations. The Møllergata school band was the first school band in Norway, formed in 1901 at the Møllergata school by the then conductor William Farre.

Møllergata School marked its 150th anniversary in 2011. Throughout the 2010-2011 school year, various events associated with the 150th anniversary such as jubilee performance, activity week, source investigation in Oslo City Archives and Oslo School Museum etc. were integrated into the learning work.

Colors for hope and equality

Colors for hope and equality is an ongoing long-term project (2019 – 2030), initiated and led by artist Lise Linnert. In collaboration with AKS, Møllergata school and Tenthaus, all students in 4the grade at the school are invited annually to a 3-week ...


PICNIC BLANKETS FOR MOMENTUMTogether with 4th and 6th graders at Møllergata school we have made picnic blankets for Momentum. The blankets are sewn from recycled garment pieces and applied with natural dyed patches. The patches are made by 220 pupils ...
