

Marek Sobocinski


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Marek Sobocinski is educated in sculpture and art pedagogy from Poland and Norway. He works both as a sculptor and teacher. His approach and understanding of art are strongly connected and defined with three-dimensional and material-based expressions. He has special expertise in sculpture techniques and creative use of materials.

He has been participating in exhibitions and symposia in Norway and abroad. An important part of his praxis is dedicated to commission works in his hometown Moss and other places in Norway. Sobocinski has taught visual art at several art institutions among others The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. As a former political refugee himself, he is closely following the heroic resistance Ukraine is showing against Russian aggression. The composition "SLAVA" has, with its idiom and symbolism, a reference to precisely that situation: The raw, black shards of diabase screwed together with powerful bolts stand for the evil, brutal forces that trap the contrasting shapes of brass and glass. The enclosed shapes in the colors – yellow brass and blue glass – refer to the Ukrainian flag. It is also not without significance that the brass band is shaped after the Møbius model, which is often used as a symbol of eternity.

The remuneration for display in the Momentum 12 - exhibition goes entirely to Ukraine aid.


SLAVA, (2023)

Sobocinski’s work is intimately tied to his own history as a political prisoner in Poland who was released and given a one-way ticket to leave the country, all on the backdrop of the political unrest in Poland in 1981 and the persecution of the activ ...