

Morag Keil


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Born in Scotland (GB-SCT)

Lives and works in London

Morag Keil's practice is ouroboric: self-referring, self-erasing, self-consuming, regurgitating. Her installations have the bald efficiency of a bargain bucket, but they are workable. The amateurish construction actualises her reflection of contemporaneity's squashing and conditioning of subjectivity, as well as the interlocking of production and pleasure. Beneath the watermark of professionalism and propriety lies a cesspit of personal contradictions and anxiety-trimmed mediations.

For MOMENTUM 12, Keil presents a series of billboards around Moss, along with a number of canteen trays slipped into the cafe at F15. Both works feature the optical illusions of autostereograms commonly referred to by the brand name 'Magic Eye'. The works encourage the viewer to stare at the pictures until they blur, revealing a hidden image. The works at the biennial will be visible day and night in public spaces, as art takes the place of advertising.


For MOMENTUM 12, Keil presents a series of billboards around Moss, along with a number of canteen trays slipped into the cafe at F15. Both works feature the optical illusions of autostereograms commonly referred to by the brand name 'Magic Eye'. The ...
