

Nayara Leite

— BR

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Nayara Leite (b. 1989) is a Brazilian artist and writer based in Bergen, Norway. She holds an MFA from the Bergen Art Academy and an MA in Photojournalism & Documentary Photography from the London College of Communication. Nayara works across text, performance, analogue photography, video and installation. Through autobiographical narrative, political news, letters to close friends and archival material, she produces a portrayal of the reality in which the LGBTQ+ community lives in Brazil and in Norway. She has exhibited and/or held performances at Bergen Kunsthall, Palmera, Isotop, Bergen Kjøtt and KODE 2 in Bergen; Preus Museum in Horten; Studio 17 in Stavanger; and Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo.


Homodagene (2022)

Homodagene is Nayara Leite's response to a photograph found at Skeivt Arkiv (the Norwegian Queer Archive) depicting a protest during Homodagene in Bergen in 1983. The photo shows one of the protesters carrying a sign with Jeg er glad jeg er homo (I a ...

In Search of Rainbows (2022)

Nayara Leite's work In Search of Rainbows investigates the situation of the queer community in north-eastern Brazil when Jair Bolsonaro was the country's president. Shot in Fortaleza, Brazil, in January 2022, the short film depicts Leite's search for ...
