

Space Bubble

Space Bubble Initially started as an exercise in abstract thought, imagining a biennale curated by a collective of 16 artists, art historians, and educators. We discussed the imaginary vision of the biennale and the elements we wanted to focus on or challenge. To make this vision a reality, we had to consider the specific characteristics of Gallery F 15, located in rural surroundings on Jeløy Island and the regular audience it attracts. Direct communication with Gallery F 15 was vital from the beginning, as we requested information, images, and gallery plans to familiarize ourselves with the space's possibilities and limitations.

The curatorial collective's multiple ideas, desires, and networks led us to construct an imaginary space where various projects could coexist. As the artists and curators progressed through the process, the project descriptions we started with evolved, transformed, or became entirely different. We continued to ask for updated information as the projects progressed and drafted a layout of the projects in the gallery space. Our discussions with the curators helped us take into account the individual requirements of each project, allowing for a coherent spatial configuration that enabled each project to be experienced thoroughly while connecting to other projects around them and the exhibition experience as a whole.

Space Bubble members have actively involved in the day-to-day operations of Gallery F 15, offering creative and alternative solutions to various challenges. We have worked closely with the production team to facilitate a swift transition from the conception of the space to the actual mounting of the various projects. The work of our bubble was enriched by direct communication with the rest of the collective, sharing and disseminating important information from curators, artists and the production team. We hope that this process will lead to an inspiring exhibition with a variety of works by our brilliant artists.